Theatre Reviews


Theatre reviews are a useful tool for producers, directors, performers and other creatives involved in a production to gain insight into the audience's perspective of their production. Some creatives thrive off this form of feedback, while others disregard it completely. There is no blanket rule to writing reviews, as they are first and foremost subjective. In fact, theatre reviews are only reflective of one person's opinion of a single performance of an event that may run for weeks or months. However, in order to increase the integrity of a review there are important components to incorporate and reflect upon.


Below is a list of platforms and organisations (mostly digital) that publish theatre reviews, particularly in South East Queensland, Australia. These are a great starting point for inspiration, to find examples and to learn more about how reviews are written. 


"Holiday Inn"
by Peter Pinne (Stage Whispers)

"Jane Eyre"
by Trent Sellars (Theatre Haus)



Tips and Tricks

Some key points to consider when writing a review: